Since headbands are about the only thing Julia will wear on her head unless it goes below -15 Celsius, I designed another one. Here is the pattern below.
Note: If any of you had printed this pattern off the first couple of days it was published, please reprint. I've corrected an error (4 cable repeats instead of 3).
Update (Jan. 13, 2011): Fellow knitter Olga (ignia on Ravelry) has created a very useful chart showing all the pattern stitches. You can find a link to it in this blog post.
(Jan. 8, 2014): Unfortunately, it seems as if the chart is no longer available.
Wide Cabled Headband
I made this headband with Elann Peruvian Uros Aran (wool/llama), but you can substitute any aran-weight yarn (one that gives 18 stitches and 24 rows over 4 inches square using stockinette stitch). Approximately 50-60 metres were used. You can also use worsted weight yarn (20 stitches and 26 rows over 4 inches square), in which case you should add 4 more rows of ribbing at each end.
Materials:1 50g skein of Elann Uros Aran (83 metres / 91 yards)
1 pair 4.5mm knitting needles
1 cable needle
4.5 inches by 19 inches
One size, stretches to about 21 inches.
Each 12-row repeat of the cable pattern is approximately 1.8 inches in length.
C4: slip next two stitches onto a cable needle and move to front of work; knit next two stitches on left-hand needle and then knit two stitches from cable needle
T3R: slip next stitch to cable needle and move to back of work; knit next two stitches on left-hand needle and then purl the stitch from the cable needle
T3L: slip next two stitches to cable needle and move to front of work; purl next stitch on left-hand needle and then knit the two stitches from the cable needle
M1: make an additional stitch by working into the previous row between the current and next stitch
M1P: M1 purlwise
SSK: decrease one stitch with a slip, slip, knit
K2tog: knit two together
P2tog: purl two together
Cable Pattern (over 30 stitches)
Row 1 (RS): K2, P2, K4, P5, C4, P5, K4, P2, K2
Row 2: P2, K2, P4, K5, P4, K5, P4, K2, P2
Row 3: K2, P2, K4, P4, T3R, T3L, P4, K4, P2, K2
Row 4: P2, K2, P4, K4, P2, K2, P2, K4, P4, K2, P2
Row 5: K2, P2, C4, P3, T3R, P2, T3L, P3, C4, P2, K2
Row 6: P2, K2, P4, K3, P2, K4, P2, K3, P4, K2, P2
Row 7: K2, P2, K4, P3, K2, P4, K2, P3, K4, P2, K2
Row 8: P2, K2, P4, K3, P2, K4, P2, K3, P4, K2, P2
Row 9: K2, P2, K4, P3, T3L, P2, T3R, P3, K4, P2, K2
Row 10: P2, K2, P4, K4, P2, K2, P2, K4, P4, K2, P2
Row 11: K2, P2, C4, P4, T3L, T3R, P4, C4, P2, K2
Row 12: P2, K2, P4, K5, P4, K5, P4, K2, P2
Cast on 9 stitches.
Row 1: K1. *P1, K1*. Repeat from * to * until end.
Row 2: P1. *K1, P1*. Repeat from * to * until end.
Repeat last two rows 4 more times.
Next row (RS): K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, M1, P1, K1, P1, K1. (10 stitches)-
Next row: P1, K1, P1, K1, P2, K1, P1, K1, P1.
Next row: K1, P1, K1, P1, M1, K2, M1, P1, K1, P1, K1. (12 stitches)
Next row: P1, K1, P1, K1, P4, K1, P1, K1, P1.
Next row: K1, M1, P1, K1, M1, P1, K4, P1, M1, K1, P1, M1, K1. (16 stitches)
Next row: P2, K1, P2, K1, P4, K1, P2, K1, P2.
Next row: K2, P1, M1, K2, M1, P1, K4, P1, M1, K2, M1, P1, K2. (20 stitches)
Next row: P2, K1, P4, K1, P4, K1, P4, K1, P2.
Next row: K2, P1, K4, M1P, P1, K4, P1, MIP, K4, P1, K2. (22 stitches)
Next row: P2, K1, P4, K2, P4, K2, P4, K1, P2.
Next row: K2, P1, M1P, K4, M1P, P2, K4, P2, M1P, K4, M1P, P1, K2. (26 stitches)
Next row: P2, K2, P4, K3, P4, K3, P4, K2, P2.
Next row: K2, P2, K4, M1P, P3, C4, P3, M1P, K4, P2, K2. (28 stitches)
Next row: P2, K2, P4, K4, P4, K4, P4, K2, P2.
Next row: K2, P2, K4, M1P, P3, T3R, T3L, P3, M1P, K4, P2, K2. (30 stitches)
Next row: P2, K2, P4, K4, P2, K2, P2, K4, P4, K2, P2.
Work rows 5 to 12 of cable pattern.
Work 4 repeats of cable pattern (48 rows).
Work rows 1 to 8 of cable pattern.
Next row (RS): K2, P2, K4, P2tog, P1, T3L, P2, T3R, P1, P2tog, K4, P2, K2. (28 stitches)
Next row: P2, K2, P4, K3, P2, K2, P2, K3, P4, K2, P2.
Next row: K2, P2, C4, P2tog, P1, T3L, T3R, P1, P2tog, C4, P2, K2. (26 stitches)
Next row: P2, K2, P4, K3, P4, K3, P4, K2, P2.
Next row: K2, P2tog, K4, P2tog, P1, C4, P1, P2tog, K4, P2tog, K2. (22 stitches)
Next row: P2, K1, P4, K2, P4, K2, P4, K1, P2.
Next row: K2, P1, K4, P2tog, K4, P2tog, K4, P1, K2. (20 stitches)
Next row: P2, K1, P4, K1, P4, K1, P4, K1, P2.
Next row: K2, P1, SSK, K2tog, P1, K4, P1, SSK, K2tog, P1, K2. (16 stitches)
Next row: P2, K1, P2, K1, P4, K1, P2, K1, P2.
Next row: K2tog, P1, K2tog, P1, K4, P1, K2tog, P1, K2tog. (12 stitches)
Next row: P1, K1, P1, K1, P4, K1, P1, K1, P1.
Next row: K1, P1, K1, P1, SSk, K2tog, P1, K1, P1, K1. (10 stitches)
Next row: P1, K1, P1, K1, P2, K1, P1, K1, P1.
Next row: K1, P1, K1, P1, K2tog, P1, K1, P1, K1. (9 stitches)
Next row: P1. *K1, P1*. Repeat from * to * until end.
Next row: K1. *P1, K1* to end.
Next row: P1. *K1, P1* to end.
Repeat last two row 4 more times.
Cast off. Sew ends of headband together and weave in yarn ends.